The Tony Awards celebrate the best of Broadway! But when do the nominations get announced? Get ready for the curtain to rise on this theatrical tradition. 

Tony nominations are typically announced in late April. This sets the stage for the highly anticipated awards ceremony a few months later. 

The Big Announcement: Timing is Everything 

Only productions that open within a specific Broadway season are considered. The eligibility window typically runs from late April of one year to late April of the next

A dedicated committee of theater professionals reviews all eligible productions and votes to determine the nominees. This ensures a fair and rigorous selection process. 

The nominations kick off a wave of excitement for the Broadway community! It's a time to recognize incredible talent and productions. 

Eager to learn more about the latest nominations? Check out the official Tony Awards website and theater news outlets for all the details. 

The Tony Awards are a celebration of live theater and the power of storytelling. Let's raise the curtain on another exciting Broadway season! 

Follow the Tony Awards on social media [Tony Awards,] for exclusive content, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and all the latest news leading up to the ceremony.