At Majhi Naukri, we are committed to providing our readers with accurate, reliable, and trustworthy information. Our editorial team follows a strict fact-checking process to ensure the highest standards of journalism. Below are the key principles of our fact-checking policy:
1. Accuracy and Verification
- All facts, figures, statistics, and claims mentioned in our articles are thoroughly checked against credible sources, such as government records, verified databases, academic research, or expert opinions.
- We prioritize primary sources of information, including official statements, press releases, and direct interviews with subject-matter experts.
2. Source Credibility
- We only use reliable and verified sources for gathering information. These may include government websites, official agencies, recognized institutions, and independent experts with proven credentials.
- Each source is scrutinized for reliability and bias, ensuring balanced and objective reporting.
3. Editorial Review
- Every article undergoes a multi-layered review process by our editorial team. Our editors ensure that all facts are cross-checked, and any discrepancies are addressed before publication.
- Journalists are required to document their sources, and our editorial team reviews all citations for accuracy.
4. Corrections and Updates
- If an error is identified post-publication, we act swiftly to correct it. Our editorial team investigates reported inaccuracies and makes updates transparently.
- A clear note will be added to the updated article to notify readers of the correction and the date it was made.
5. Reader Feedback
- We encourage our readers to notify us of any inaccuracies or discrepancies. We take all feedback seriously and conduct further investigations when necessary.
- Readers can reach out to us at [contact email] to report any factual errors.
6. Transparency
- We strive to be transparent about our fact-checking process and the sources we use in our reporting. Whenever possible, we link to original sources so readers can verify the information themselves.
- If a particular piece of information cannot be independently verified, it will be clearly indicated in the article.
7. Continuous Improvement
- Our team stays updated with the latest fact-checking tools and methodologies to ensure that we maintain the highest standards of journalistic integrity.